Cosmic Clouds 3-D with Science Museum23 September 2020 | LSCAdmin The world's first ever online global book launch of its kind!The Bookseller See you there, tomorrow (Wed 23rd, 8pm UK time) ! Wherever you are in the world, The London Stereoscopic Company invite you to the virtual launch of COSMIC CLOUDS 3-D, hosted by The Science Museum, starring BRIAN MAY along with co-creators DAVID EICHER and J-P METSAVAINIO.When? 23 September Where? Your home (Science Museum's YouTube) This will be the world’s first ever online global book launch of its kind. Click Here on the link for full details on how to join what will be a fascinating discussion and mesmerising visual journey spanning the birth, death and recycling of stars, brought to your living room! Twitter: @sciencemuseum @londonstereo Facebook: @sciencemuseumlondon @londonstereo Instagram: @sciencemuseum @londonstereoscopiccompany @brianmayforreal @eicher.david |